Swisse Vitamin and Floradix for anaemia

A new range of vitamins have hit our shores from Australia. Swisse has a great range of vitamins that contain botanical herbs. I would advocate trying these as the brand even have a range for teenagers and their raging hormones!

The vitamin that I am trying is the iron with spirulina which is great for anaemia as spirulina helps with iron deficiency. Take advantage of the 20% offer currently in Boots. The iron tablets range at around £9.99.

Which brings me nicely to talk about anaemia. I suffer from this condition ( heavy periods) and was prescribed some tablets that played havoc with my stomach, so I have gone down the natural route and would recommend Swisse iron tablets and Floradix which is in liquid form and derived from fruits and veg and other vitamins and taste great. It retails at around £10.49. As these are both naturally derived they won’t work overnight and will take time to get into your system, but better than having stomach problems in my opinion.