Jojoba Oil


As you all know, I have a massive fan of facial oils. I am constantly advocating them on the website, but I understand some may have reservations, assuming they are too oily. If you have oily skin the oil you should seek out is Jojoba oil. This not only unblocks pores but makes your skin glow. The Sunday Times style magazine featured facial oils, again, in last Sunday’s edition, 23rd October. Believe me they work.

Heavy creams are lethal for oily skin, leaving it opened-pored and spotty, oil-free creams don’t inject enough moisture, you want something that is in tune with your skin. Jojoba oil is the answer.

Love Sadie. xxxx


Flash Sale of Facial Oil!!!

I went into Waitrose today and saw that their facial oils are reduced from £2.99 to 50p!!!!. I have used this facial oil myself and it’s a good budget buy, obvioulsy not as good as the more expensive ones on the market, but for 50p, you can’t go wrong, can you?

New beauty tips coming soon!!!!!

Love Sadie xxx