
Hello, my good friends,

As this is a natural advocating site, I thought I would pass some wisdom on what to eat to prevent those pesky mosquitoes having you for lunch. They are the bane of my life and I have had such terrible bites as they love me as I have sweet blood. Summer is upon as.

So here are my tips:

Wear light colour clothes.

Never sunbathe near a river, Mosquitoes thrive around that areas. Never go out at dusk without protecting yourself, dusk is when they are everywhere.

Eat as much Garlic, onions, marmite, and drink cider vinegar. Mosquitoes hate any strong, pungent taste and will not bite you. Sometimes rub garlic on any areas you might get bitten, you might stink but better than the alternative of bites becoming swollen and you needing antibiotics.

Diets that will attract mosquitoes:

Beer (sorry I know, bummer that!)

Any sugary foods, they love the taste.  Mossies love to feed on sugary tasting arms.

Love Sadie   xxxxx