Lip Balm overkill.

Hello everyone,

Time for an update! If you’re anything like me, when your lips are dry you give them a good coat with a lip balm. Right? Well, my friends, this may not be the best way to tackle dry lips. I was using a certain brand that shall remain nameless, during the day and before bedtime .I then started develop red marks around the outline of my lips and they looked swollen, like I had been punched by Mike Tyson.

I went to a pharmacist and enquired what might be causing this? She asked me if I was using a lip balm and then asked for the brand of which I told her. She smiled and said that the exact same thing had happend to her. Apparently certain brands make your lips drying with over-usage and you can develop an allergy – I would love to tell you the brand – but I run the possibility of being sued – so my tip is to use honey as I did and my lips felt and looked much better. Also another tip is to exfoliate them with some honey and sugar with a toothbrush to rid of any dead and cracked cells.


Sadie xxxxxxxxxxxx