A Great Way to Dispose of Old Perfume

Do you know that perfume starts to go stale within a year of opening?

I decided to do a bit of a cleanout of my old perfumes and was surprised that some of them were starting to smell of a bit stale – and we are talking nice perfumes not any out of a suitcase down Oxford Street!

So I decided to utilize these perfumes by throwing them down the toilet and hey presto! My bathroom smelt divine for days. Try it!



Black Seed Oil


Happy New Year, Folks!

Why not start the year with this new discovery, Black Seed Oil.

It is wonderful for digestion and putting on your hair, pre-wash as I do and it makes my scalp soft and my hair like silk. Buy it in any ethnic shop or you can take it in tablet form from Holland and Barrett. This is going to be the new hip thing in 2019, you heard it here first!!!!

Love Sadie xx